Friday, January 27, 2012

Laugh-out-loud funny.

This book made me laugh out loud. Many, many times. Dare I say, even more than Tina's book? I highly recommend it for a quick, fun read.

P.S. I just discovered The Concerns of Mindy Kaling, a site chock full of Mindy goodness. From the "Prelude" page:

Mindy Kaling is an actress, comedian, writer, producer and shopper. She can translate Latin and is an avid slow jogger who covers small amounts of distance over long periods of time.

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Brianna Renee said...

love that girl! i'll have to check this out :)

erica-knits said...

I can't wait to pick up a copy! It sounds so good. Better than Tina's is high praise, too, because hers had me in stitches!