Monday, September 27, 2010

Oh, baby!

Famapa's little niblet is just too cute for words! Don't you agree?

Chevrons redux.

Okay, so after wearing my original Chevron Necklace for a few weeks I wasn't really feeling it. It could be done better, and now, I hope you'll agree, it has been.

So far I was only able to get photos of the first two color combos, seen below. I've made a few more versions since then but our dreary, gray, overcast east coast forecast doesn't give me much hope of getting photos of them before the end of this week. Once they're shot, I'll get them into my shop ASAP. Really, this time, I promise. Next week. Definitely.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Think ink.

A beautifully filmed account of how printing inks are made. Produced by Vepo Studios for The Printing Ink Company in Toronto. Click on 1080p for HD quality.

Found via Poppytalk

Monday, September 20, 2010

Birth day.

Joanna's incredibly lovely, funny, and sweet story of wonderful little Toby's entry into the world. I look forward to reading Alex's account too.

OK Dog.

These guys really know how to make a creative video! By now everyone knows the treadmill choreography in "Here It Goes Again". Then there was "This Too Shall Pass" (both versions) and "End Love". Now we have "White Knuckles", the most original use of IKEA products in a music video.

The OK Go boys collaborated on this one with a group of very talented pups, most of whom were rescue dogs. At the end of the video there's a note mentioning that these four-legged performers have been adopted, but that there are many more waiting for loving homes. The band are donating a portion of proceeds from sales of this video to the ASPCA and also have a link on their site to donate directly to the organization. A little puppy love along with your tunes? Can't go wrong with that.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

It's in the bag.

I'm having some real lovin' for these bags.

Especially since I could never afford these bags.

Then again, I can't even afford the less expensive versions. Maybe once I'm actually working a full-time job again and have already put some money away in savings (the most important thing). Something to aspire to. I'll just add them to my ever-existent list of "Items I want but don't need but they're just out of my reach price-wise anyway so it really doesn't matter".

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Benedictine mystery.

I love to read. I'll read pretty much anything I can get my hands on. Growing up, I would read the text on cereal boxes at the breakfast table!

Sadly, lately I've not been reading as voraciously as I used to. Before I was laid off, I spent more than ten years commuting daily to New York City from Long Island. I always had a book with me on these trips, and managed to fly through many good (and a few bad) books of fiction, biographies, memoirs, satire, science, cultural studies... At home I'd always have a book of lighter substance to read at bedtime, when my mind was drifting off to sleep. Now when I'm home I spend way too much time looking at the 193 blogs that I currently follow, or flipping through magazines, or dozing in front of the television. Not very stimulating (well, the TV dozing isn't), or productive.

I joined a book club a while back, partly to get out and meet people, and partly to get myself back reading on a more regular basis. I'm now in between books for the club, having finished Fly Away Home by Jennifer Weiner (more in the light substance category) a couple of weeks ago and waiting to pick up my reserved copy of You Lost Me There by Rosecrans Baldwin for the next meeting--I definitely can't wait to read that one! So last weekend at the library, I was perusing the list of books to read that I always keep in my little Filofax, and came across The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart. This is a book intended for 5th to 9th grade children, but I must say that's it's got me hooked. I won't go into the plot here; you can find out more about the book and the next two in this series on its website (full of fun logic puzzles, book excerpts, and more) or by clicking on the Amazon link in the book's title above. All I'll say is that I'm about 200 pages in and find it flying by. Children being relied on to save the world from an evil-doer, a great theme.

Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the incredible illustrations by Carson Ellis on the cover and each chapter heading! They really add to the story.

PLEASE NOTE: All images in this post are copyrighted and owned by Hachette Book Group.