Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sick day. Also, a new shop addition.

I took a sick day today... a virus of some sort has been quickly making its way through my system over the past few days. Yesterday I felt like I had been hit by a truck, and the cold medicine I took last night only added to the fog in my brain. 

By this morning I couldn't fathom making it through a 12-hour day (including round-trip commute to Manhattan and time in the office) before being able to collapse into my bed once again. So, after a bit of internal debate about using the last of my allotted sick days for this year (thanks to the great four-day sinus infection of February and a multi-hour health test in March), I phoned my supervisor and managed through my gravelly voice to let him know that I wouldn't be in today.

Back to bed for several hours, feeling well-rested and slightly improved by 1:30 pm... A bowl of raisin bran and some bad TV... Mustering up enough energy to dress, throw on a smidge of makeup, and head out to my local Trader Joe's to restock my sparse fridge and pantry... Coming home to the sweet (pun intended) surprise of my landlady's homemade chocolate chip & pecan cookies waiting for me in my mail basket (which will not be consumed until my stuffy nose clears and I can really savor their deliciousness).

I'm still a bit foggy, but feeling much improved by now. I thought I'd take advantage of this mini-boost of energy and finally post in my shop at least one of the several new necklaces I've been designing lately. So, without further ado, let me introduce the brass & amethyst geode Slice Necklace:

Thursday, June 7, 2012


How has it been well over a month since I last posted here?

We are getting into the craziest part of the year at my office now (July will be heavier than June, August will be the busiest in the company's history; hooray for job security) so I tend to be a bit of a zombie when I get home at night. Weekends have been spent for the most part lying in my bedroom watching DVDs and thinking about the apartment cleaning I should really be doing. Not to mention all of the jewelry I photographed for my shop ages ago; I haven't been able to muster up the brain power to compose the listings yet.

All of this means that this little corner of the interwebs has been woefully neglected by its creator for much too long. I can't promise anything, but I will try my best to actually dust off the cobwebs and get some new content up here very soon. Thanks for reading, and I hope to see you here again soon.
