Sunday, September 18, 2011


Well, I finally did it. I took the plunge.

I finagled the funding to adopt a brand-new Nikon D3100, which came home with me on Saturday. My very first DSLR, and my first non point-and-shoot camera of the digital variety. I'm excited to get back into framing images with my eye to the viewfinder instead of looking at a screen while pressing the shutter release, to having the camera as an extension of myself instead of holding it away from my body as I shoot.

Though I was (and am) well-versed in the ways of the film SLR camera, I've got quite a bit of manual reading and practice shooting to do to feel competent with its digital relative. I'm looking forward to every bit of it.

Now, to buy a USB cord so I can download my shots to my computer, as the card reader I splurged a big $7 on doesn't seem to work (surprise, surprise). Otherwise, the only way I'll be able to share them will be like this:

Monday, September 12, 2011

Smooth as silk.

This site is going to be a real time sink for me, but in the very best way. Click and drag your mouse around the screen to create beautiful, flowing designs that look like silken fabric rippling in a breeze. A relaxing, soothing way to take a break from all the flipping around I do from site to site, blog to blog, tumblr to tumblr.

{One of four beautiful wallpapers you can download from Silk}

{One of my creations from the site}

Found via How About Orange

Monday, September 5, 2011

September song.

To all of my friends in the States, Happy Labor Day! To all of you elsewhere, Happy first Monday in September!

I've been away from here for so long... My job has been taking up a lot of my time, and last week we moved into a new office space too. Then there was the little fact of Hurricane Irene beating up the East Coast of the US, and leaving me without power for five days. I feel terrible for all of those who are still without power one week later, not to mention all of those whose homes and businesses were damaged or destroyed by the flooding. I got away very easy, when I think about it.

So, while I spend the holiday being incredibly lazy, prepping for a new week at work, I thought I'd at least drop by to say "Hi!" and let you all know that I'm thinking about some fun new posts, working on new pieces for my shop, and getting very excited for the new DSLR I plan of FINALLY buying this week, so there should be some better-quality photos coming down the pike in the next few months too. I also found a simple yet gorgeous dress for my sister's October wedding in California and am working on the shawl and necklace I'll accessorize it with... now to figure out what shoes to wear...

On a totally different subject, is anyone else as excited as I am about the impending arrival of fall? It's my all-time favorite season... After the heat and humidity of summer I'm looking forward to spending more time curled up indoors with a cup of tea and a good book; wearing sweaters, scarves, boots, and great coats; enjoying apple cider, cider donuts, and pumpkin-flavored treats; the scent of woodsmoke in the dry, crisp air; the crunch as I walk through carpets of fallen leaves... I could go on for ages, but you get the idea. Fall, I'm waiting for you with open arms. But until you get here, I'll just enjoy some photos from your last visit.