Sunday, March 20, 2011

New season, new work.

Happy first day of Spring to all of you in the Northern Hemisphere! As for those of you in the Southern Hemi, I wish you a happy first day of Autumn!

The new season(s) bring(s) the promise of new merchandise in my shop very soon...

Taking advantage of this sunny afternoon I threw open the windows and shot photos of a whole bunch of new Kumi Necklaces; now it's just a bit of retouching and description writing and they'll be listed in the shop. (Photo below shows just a few; more colors coming in the shop update.)

Yesterday was also a lovely (if a bit chilly) day which I enjoyed by meeting up with an jeweler friend to try to restrain our spending at the Whole Bead Show in Chelsea, followed by good conversation over a tasty muffin (for her) and pretzel croissant (for me--YUM!) at City Bakery. I did limit my spending by having a shopping list; though I didn't find everything on that list I was able to get what I really wanted: some vulcanized rubber beads from Africa! I can't wait to start making necklaces with these, for me, and for the shop! I also found some fantastic black glass African beads that are a sort of squarish version of those in my Chevron Necklaces for which I'm already brainstorming ideas--stay tuned for updates!


Nicola said...

O I love the Kumi necklaces, about to head over to your shop now :)

Lesley said...

Pretzel Croissant? YUM indeed!!!

AMM blog said...

How beautiful.

Park Street said...

The kumi necklaces are my favorite. Your jewelry is so fun!

Jennifer said...

Thank you, ladies! I'm so glad you like my work!

xoxo, Jennifer